How we got started ...
I got into toys by accident. I got a Funko soda for my son, Wilder, as a gift, and we both loved it. We started buying a few. Then a seller I had purchased from sent an email about his livestream on Whatnot. I ignored the first two but then went in to see how things worked live. It was amazing! I then spent about a month spending way too much money researching a bunch of soda sellers. At that time, I knew I wanted to stream myself. I applied to Whatnot as a seller and was approved. My first show was Sept 6th of 2022. Wilder helps me with the streams, and he is a fan favorite! We get to hang out together and sell sodas. Awesome work if you get into it, and we haven’t looked back. I have branched out into designer toys, comics, and more, but sodas were our first true love!
Come see our shows on Whatnot and hang with us!

Keep Up on WhatNot!
Check out the times of our shows and shop our toys and collectibles at the links below.